Examinations are yardsticks to measure the knowledge gained and to assess the progress made. Though a necessary evil, it is imperative because it is the only accepted method of discriminating between success and failure.

We conduct a series of tests and terminal examinations to assess the progress of students on a routine basis in order to develop in them regular study habits.

Remedial teaching is also taken up whenever necessary. Parents are encouraged to meet the teachers on OPEN DAYS and discuss their wards’ progress.

Annual Inspections are held in order to appraise the standard of the school as also to abreast our staff with the norms of the society.


There are yet new Milestones to be reached – though we have traveled quite a distance in our journey of about 50 years………..

Some of the Milestones we have crosses are…………………..

  1. Affiliation to ICSE Board, Delhi
  2. Introduced Computer Applications in Secondary level.
  3. Introduced Computer education in Primary Level.
  4. Introduced Extra-Curricular level also.
  5. Achieved 100% results every year in a row.
  6. Introduced Smart Classes from Primary level on wards.
  7. Successfully conducted Inter/Intra School Meets.
  8. Encouraged Alumni activities.
  9. Introduced 3 way interactions – Student – Teacher – Parents…