St. Joseph’s School, Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam-11 is a Secondary School. It is a Co-Educational institution being run by St. Ann’s Congregation since the year 1971 to till date. Students here are imparted value – based education and ensured all-round-development. The School is affiliated to the ICSE Board of Education, New Delhi. The Syllabus and Education Pattern aims at creating integrated personalities with Healthy Mind in Healthy Body and Strength of Character. Teaching is Activity based with a Positive attitude and approach. We have constituted Digi Class rooms for enhanced teaching – learning process, well-equipped laboratories – Sciences, Maths, Languages and Computer Skills for a Practical approach to teaching. There is a good play ground where students are trained in various games and sport activities and encouraged to participate in Inter as well as Intra-School competitions.
The School boasts of well-ventilated class rooms and good wash rooms for boys and girls separately.
The school gives utmost importance to Discipline and Orderliness. There are a set of Do’s and Don’ts that forms the basic Rules & Regulations of the school. Every child is expected to follow them.
- Every student should abide by the rules.
- be regular & punctual.
- Produced appropriate Leave Letter or medical certificate as is relevant.
- Wear the prescribe school uniform.
- Participate in all the compulsory activities of the school.
- Pay the fees in time.
- Keep the surroundings neat and tidy.
- Safe-guard / protect all school property.
- Maintain order and discipline in all activities.
- Queue up while waiting and move in lines along carrion or stairs.
- Stand up when a Teacher, Principal or a visitor enters the class room.
- be careful with your Progress Reports and School diary – produce when required.
- Help the small and side children.
- be regular in taking down notes, completing assignments, home works etc.
- Protect personal belongings and belongings of others.
- Don’t destroy school properly.
- Don’t misuse water and electricity.
- Don’t litter the school premises.
- Don’t bully or harm others.
- Don’t resort to malpractices during examination.
- Don’t take leave except under unavoidable circumstances.
- Don’t take the liberty to go home or seek permission to be sent home during school hours.
- Don’t carry money / valuables / or wear gold jeweler to school.
- Don’t carry sharp tools or electronic gadgets to school.
- Don’t dis-regard teacher’s institutions or school rules.
All students in our care are well managed and looked after by the Staff and Management so that they gain knowledge and grow up as responsible citizens of the country. Values are instilled in them quite early so that they become obedient sons / daughters to their parents / elders. Competitive nature is developed in them so that they learn to excel in their chosen fields and become successful world citizens.
We seek the support and co-operation of all our patrons, parents and well – wishers in our sincere efforts of nurturing and shaping up your wards / our students as good Indian citizens.