St.Joseph’s Sec.School, Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam-11, follows the ICSE pattern of Education (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) affiliated to the ICSE Board, New Delhi.
The School got its Affiliation to ICSE in the year 1978. Since then, to date it has been successful I producing 100% results, emerging as one of the best schools in Visakhapatnam.
We, at SJS Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam-11, have been successfully imparting knowledge with an integrated and holistic approach.
Sending students for the 10th Board Exams year after year to achieve 100% results is no mean achievement. We, at SJS are proud of a bunch of trained and dedicated staff, who leaves no stone unturned in making this impossible.
Students are taught and trained in 10 subjects (main subjects)
- English
- 2nd Language (Hindi / Telugu)
- Mathematics
- Physics (Science -1)
- Chemistry (Science – 2)
- Biology (Science – 3)
- History / Civics
- Geography
- Computer Applications
- Moral Science, Abacus / Vedic Maths are also taught.
Examinations & Assignments
Examinations are yardsticks to measure the knowledge gained and to assess the progress made. Examinations though considered as a necessary evil, is imperative because it is the only accepted method of discriminating between success and failure, excellent from mediocre.
A Series from tests and terminal examination s are conducted to access the progress of students on a routine basis as also to develop their regular study habits. Remedial teaching is also taken up whenever necessary. Parents are encouraged to meet the teachers on OPEN DAYS and discuss their wards & their performances.
Annual Inspection is held in order to appraise the standard of the school as also to abreast our staff with the norms of our society which is progressively updated.
SJS Malkapuram boasts of a set of well trained and qualified Teaching faculty for all the subjects. Whether it is clarifying doubts or giving them specialized coaching, our staff leaves no stone unturned. Students thinking and application skills are kindled and they are encouraged to update their knowledge through various competitions held within the school as also Inter-School, District level, GK Quiz, Literacy, Fine Arts and Sports Competitions. Moral – based Education with a Holistic (Holistic) approach is catered to students here, bringing about an All – round development in your wards. This could go a long way in setting them upon a road to a successful professional career and a satisfied of life in future.
Aims and Objectives
This prestigious institution SJS has been set up with the sole purpose of imparting value based education to the children of this ‘City of Destiny’. This co-educational secondary caters to the all-round development of children, assisting them to grow into integrated personalities with healthy minds and bodies, strength of character, attitudinal capacity for industry and hard work.
As education undergoes rapid changes compared to the past with the advancement in technology and availability of information, St. Joseph’s realizes the need to create an atmosphere where school becomes a place of sanctity and diverts the students’ energy into creative channels for their individual good and good of the nation. Our main concern is to educate and formulate the pupils entrusted to us in all respects of personal development even at a time when material values threaten to undermine them.
The Management and the sisters of St. Ann carry forward their services following the Chartism, “Live to reveal the merciful love of God.”
This School is committed to the pursuit of Knowledge as the pursuit of truth and justice while instilling in students, a love for peaceful and harmonious living.