Date: October 27, 2023
Press Note : Dental Health Awareness Camp
Campus of St Joseph’s Secondary School, Malkapuram was witness to a spectacular event on 27th October 2023 that brought in dentists from the alumni to extend their service by screening all the students for possible oral cavity and teeth related ailments.
It brought into limelight, the gratitude of the alumni who meticulously planned and executed the event. The event, which took place in the school’s campus, is a resounding success, drawing enthusiastic participation from students, volunteers, teachers, staff and the alumni who organised it.
The day commenced with an ardent prayer by the Vice-Principle Sr Ajanta and declared open by the Correspondent Sr Sujatha.
The program was planned a month in advance and meticulously executed by the team. Not only the screening was done free-of-cost, it also included give-away of medical samples, diagnosis of possible infections/issues and guidance for further action. The participating alumni dentists also magnified their benevolence by offering free clinical consultation, free scaling procedure, free x-ray and every treatment as needed at a huge concession.
The highlight of the day was the handing over of the id cards and certificates of life membership to the members of the governing body of the Alumni Association who are playing a key role in the formation of the group, bringing together the alumni in different parts of the world in the run up to the Golden Jubilee Celeration scheduled in Jan2024.
“We are incredibly proud of our students and their remarkable talents,” said Sr Ajantha, Vice-Principal of the school. “Events like these not only showcase their skills but also inspire the present student community to explore their innate talents and skills to be a well-rounded and responsible citizen of the country. It’s heartwarming to see our school community come together to support and celebrate the achievements of our students”, she said in her closing speech and blessed all with a simple prayer.
The Alumni Association extends its heartfelt gratitude to the students, alumni dentists, teachers and staff who attended the event, making it a grand success. Such coalescence of like-minded kind people, plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of unity and pride within the school community and encourage students to excel in various fields.
For more information about upcoming events and school activities, please visit our school website St. Joseph’s Secondary School – Light to Enlighten (stjosephmkp.com) or contact the alumni website St. Joseph’s Alumni – Core Pillars of Society (alumni.stjosephmkp.com)
President & Secretary